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Hearty Sausage Hot Pot

*This recipe is taken from Essential's 50th Anniversary Vegan Cookbook*

Message from Greencity Wholefoods (August 2021)

Greencity was started by four friends in 1978 who were looking for a way to make healthy, vegetarian wholefoods more accessible to people of Glasgow beyond.

A workers’ co-op from the very outset, Greencity has stayed true to its co-operative ideals throughout its 43 years trading with ‘Equal Pay, Equal Say’ at the core of every decision. We now have 52 worker directors and supply customers as far south as Newcastle, as far north at the Shetland Isles and west into Ireland.

We constantly strive to provide locally produced, ethically sourced and where possible organic wholefoods to our customers. We are trying to remove as much plastic as possible from our supply chain and we are constantly on the lookout for local, ethical suppliers and more sustainable routes to market.

We were the first wholesaler in Scotland to ban single-use plastic and we have recently invested in an electric bike for servicing our city centre customers.  Everything we sell is either vegan or vegetarian.

We have a fantastic working relationship with Essential and we’ve been known to refer to them as our ‘sister co-op’.  We’ve actually been dealing with you since we very first started trading way back when you were known as Nova.

Greencity HQ was filled with the most tempting of comfort food aromas the day this recipe was being tested. Cooked low and slow this one pot wonder is easy for anyone to make and is endlessly versatile too. Enjoy!



Cut the onions into 8 wedges and chop the rest of the veg into chunky, bite sized pieces.

Brown the veg together with the onions and a good glug of olive oil in a large casserole dish on the hob for around 10 minutes. Add Sausages, tomatoes, stock, flour and stout. Stir gently to combine and put the lid on and pop in a warm oven. Sit back and allow the rich aromas to fill your home!

After 1 hour 30 mins remove lid and put back into oven for a further 20 mins.

Serve with chunky bread for mopping up the rich, tasty sauce and enjoy the wholesome, hearty deliciousness.