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Vegan Apple Crumble 

apple crumble in a blue bowl with a spoon

Serves 4-6 people



Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Remove the core and cut the apples into small segments. Place them into the base of a greased (with butter) medium-sized baking dish. Squeeze half an orange on top of the apples, then sprinkle over 1 tsp of cinnamon.

Take a mixing bowl and pour in your flour, a teaspoon of cinnamon, sugar, and butter. Mix the contents with your hands and feather until it’s well mixed and has a breadcrumb consistency. Pour crumble over the apples. Place the dish in the oven and cook for 45 minutes. Check to see if it’s golden brown and if not pop back in for another 15 minutes. Then take it out and leave it to stand for 2 minutes before serving it with cream, custard or a scoop of ice cream.


Recipe and Photography: Kate Williams