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Spiced Apple Winter Warmer 

glass mug filled with apple juice, cinnamon, star anise and a wedge of orange

This Spiced Apple Winter Warmer recipe is great for two reasons; not only does this cosy hot drink taste great but the warm aroma of the spices will fill your home with fanastic smell too. This tasty hot drink is a quick and simple winter warmer and contains all the flavours of the festive period. It's a recipe that I always use when the days start drawing in and the temperatures begin to drop. Cinnamon, citrus, ginger and the cloves mingle with hot apple juice in this fantastic non-alcoholic alternative to the classic Christmas cocktails. 

Serves 3-4 people


to serve

  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 orange slice 


In a slow cooker or on the hob, simmer the apple juice with all of the ingredients on a very low heat if using the hob and a medium heat if using a slow cooker.

Heat for at least an hour. The longer the ingredients are left to infuse, the better.

Serve hot with a slice of orange and a cinnamon stick.


Recipe and Photography: Lee Nottle