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BBQ Jerk Jackfruit


This delicious jackfruit recipe works brilliantly on the BBQ. Fantastic accompanied by a summer salad or in a classic BBQ bap, it's an easy way to please the vegans, veggies and meaties in your life at the same time.

Prep 10 min
Cook 15-20 min
Serves 2-3 people



Light up the BBQ and get those coals hot. Spoon oil, honey and squeeze fresh lime juice into a mixing bowl. Crush your two garlic cloves into the marinade and puree with sauce until thick. Add the jerk seasoning, finely chopped green chillis and coriander. Drain your tin of jackfruit, empty into a mixing bowl and massage in the marinade. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Feed the BBQ skewers through the jackfruit pieces. Once the coals and grill are hot enough place onto the BBQ Cook for 5 minutes and turn. Repeat this process for 15-20 minutes until the jackfruit is golden and crispy. Serve seasoned with coriander, a drizzle of oil and sesame seeds.


Recipe and Photography: Kate Williams