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  • Essential sign up to the Business Without Blood Sports pledge

Essential sign up to the Business Without Blood Sports pledge


Essential were delighted to attend the Business Without Blood Sports pledge launch event at the Houses of Parliament in London on April 19th. We heard from Baroness Natalie Bennett, the CEO of League Against Cruel Sports Andy Knott and Jill Poet of the National Organisation for Responsible Micro, Small and Medium-sized Businesses about the importance of businesses coming together to speak out against cruel sports such as animal fighting, hunting and racing.

The League Against Cruel Sports is a UK charity that promotes animal welfare and campaigns to end the mistreatment and killing of animals for sport. Driven by compassion and empowered by knowledge, they work tirelessly to protect animals, carry out investigations to expose cruelty to animals, and campaign for stronger animal protection laws.

The Business Without Blood Sports pledge is a guarantee from UK business that they in no way support, promote or otherwise enable blood sports such as hunting, shooting or animal fighting. As an ethical wholesaler, this is cause that Essential feel very strongly about and we feel privileged to join over 125 other businesses that have taken this pledge.

Click this link to find out how you can support League Against Cruel Sports and keep up to date with their campaigns and reports.